Cynthia Wu-Maheux and Frédéric Pierre, proud ambassadors of Journées de la culture!
Actors Cynthia Wu-Maheux and Frédéric Pierre lend their voices to the 26th Journées de la culture and invite the entire population to celebrate the richness and diversity of Quebec’s culture!
Cynthia Wu-Maheux

“Culture and art are quick paths to the heart and highlight what unites us. That’s why I was so happy to accept to be an ambassador for the Journées de la culture.”
– Cynthia Wu-Maheux
Since graduating from the Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Montréal in 2007, Cynthia Wu-Maheux has played a number of roles in a variety of TV shows and series, including Trauma, Tactik, Mémoires vives, Plan B and Virage, not to mention the ever-popular District 31. In addition to a sincere affection from the public, her role as Da-Xia Bernard has earned her two Prix Gémeaux nominations – in 2018 and 2020 – as Best Female Supporting Role: Annual Drama Series category.
Cynthia has also performed in several Montreal theaters. She has been seen in L’Avare, La princesse Turandot, Medea and several other plays. In 2019, she was in Consentement at Théâtre Jean-Duceppe; in 2021, she was on stage at the TNM in Le rêveur dans son bain.
In movies, she played Jade Bossé in L’Empire Bo$$é, directed by Claude Desrosiers. In 2017, her role as Julie in Dominic Goyer’s L’Origine des espèces earned her a nomination for Best Supporting Actress at the Gala Québec Cinéma.
Frédéric Pierre

“Quebec culture is rich, strong. Deeply rooted in difference, it has always embodied the presence of Francophones in America. For a long time, Quebecers have been the other, and this state of affairs has fueled an ardent desire on the part of artists to express loud and clear who they are. This is exactly what we are experiencing today through the changes that are reshaping the cultural landscape of Quebec. An ardent desire from the other to be validated as a whole. We are the other. I am honored to be a spokesperson for the Journées de la culture, and I wish with all my heart that we continue to validate each other.”
– Frederic Pierre
Through his many roles on television, Frédéric Pierre has quickly carved out a place in the hearts of Quebecers. He was seen in Le gentleman, Tactik, Destinées, Virginie, Annie et ses hommes and Cover Girl, which earned him a nomination for Best Comedy Actor at the Prix Gémeaux Awards. He has also been in the cast of popular series like Music-Hall, Histoires de filles and Mémoires vives. In 2019, he landed a lead role in the serie Amber Alert. His character returned in the serie Alerts two years later. He is also in the cast of Ricardo Trogi’s La Maison-Bleue.
Frédéric has played in several feature films. Among them: Piché: entre ciel et terre by Sylvain Archambault, Le banquet by Sébastien Rose, La peau blanche by Daniel Roby, Pudding chômeur by Gilles Carles… And in theaters, he visited the four corners of Quebec with the production Ladies night. Frédéric also tread the boards of the Jean Duceppe Theatre in C’est ma vie and in Race, in addition to playing in Lady Lester at the Théâtre de la Ligue nationale d’improvisation (LNI). In 2019, at Duceppe, he stands out in the play Héritage.
In 2018, he joined the team of collaborators of the radio show Véronique et les Fantastiques.